Capítulos de libros
Human Development Index (IDH): Using Mathematical Programming: The Iberoamerican Case
Towards a Trans-disciplinary Technology for Business Intelligence
Shaker Verlag
Lugar: Aachen; Año: 2011; p. 345 - 355
The United Nations Development Programme (PNUD) has been calculating since 1990 the Human Develpment Index (IDH) which, although it has been meant great progress, it has also been subjecto to criticism. Having in mind the main goal of setting more objective methods to establish weighting on wich the PNUD is based for its calculation, we will propose a new methodology to determine this Index, using Mathematical Programming, both to determine the weight of each atribute and to determine the IDH calculation in the Iberoamerican countries. The lineal method used to calculate the IDH of these countries is based on the principles used by the Compromise Programming. The results are compared to the ones calculated by the PNUD.