Emerging Mechanisms in Neuronal Signaling: from Cell Biology to Pathogenesis? Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience
Frontiers Media
Lugar: Lausana; Año: 2020 p. 454
Emerging Mechanisms in Neuronal Signaling: from Cell Biology to Pathogenesis? Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience Topic Editors, Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, section Cellular Neuropathology. Mario E. GUIDO, Gabriela A. Salvador, Alejandra Alonso, nov. 2020. Citation: Guido, M. E., Salvador, G. A., Alonso A., eds. (2020). EmergingMechanisms in Neuronal Signaling: From Cell Biology to Pathogenesis. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88966-111-4, ISBN 978-2-88966-111-4Unraveling the molecular processes involved in the genesis, differentiation, and cell death of the nervous system is an intense and continual interest of the neuroscience community. In recent years, the preponderance of research focused upon signal transduction mechanisms relying on protein cascades, but more information is needed on the role and function of other molecular mechanisms. These molecular mechanisms include but not limited to: lipid mediators (sphingolipids, fatty acids, glycerophospholipids, etc.), lipid-binding proteins (ApoD, PPAR, etc.), protein-lipid interactions (c-Fos-lipid synthesizing enzymes), protein misfolding and not fully characterized membrane-protein receptors. Signal transduction events triggered by bioactive lipids and related transcription factors (immediate early genes, metabolic regulators, etc.) now receive special attention as an important nodal regulatory process. Deregulation of lipid-mediated processes is also linked to neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson (PD), Alzheimer (AD), and retinopathies) and proliferative disorders (brain cancer and diabetic retinopathy). Moreover, the modern lifestyle (hypercaloric diets, continuous artificial light exposure, sedentary life, aging, stress) impacts on lipid signaling and metabolism, and can alter brain function, physiology, and behavior. Focused on this broad spectrum of underlying mechanisms related to molecular and cellular neuroscience, a research topic call elicited expansive, research interest and submissions from among international laboratories. As a result of this interest, thirty-three contributions are accepted and published on the molecular mechanisms as described above. One hundred and fifty-eight authors from research laboratories located in nine countries: North and South America (Argentina, Canada, Chile and USA), Asia (China) and Europe (France, Poland, Spain, Switzerland), contributed to the accepted, peer-reviewed articles.