Congresos y reuniones científicas
Mecanismos y respuestas defensivas de miedo ante el estrés
Porto Alegre
Conferencia; el I curso internacional de Neurobiología do comportamento,; 2005
Institución organizadora:
Pos-Graduacao em Neurociencias, Univ. Federale de Rio do Grande do Sul
There is a broad consensus that memory for emotionally arousing events are robust and long-lasting. Besides, there are considerable number of studies showing that stressful experiences enhanced memory formation and facilitated the occurrence of anxiety-like behavior. A large number of reports have emphasized that the GABAergic system in the amygdaloid complex is a key component in the modulation of emotional reactions to stressful stimuli.

Findings from this laboratory have revealed that a single restraint experience elicited hyperexcitability of BLA neurons which resulted from reducing GABAergic recurrent inhibition. This view was further supported by pharmacological evidence, since intra-BLA infusion of midazolam, a positive modulator of GABAa sites, prevented the enhanced emotional reactions exhibited by stressed animals. Moreover,   blockade of GABAa receptors in the BLA, but not in the adjacent CeA, elicited a similar emotional response to that induced by stress.   Overall, these findings suggest that stress, by reducing this inhibitory GABAergic control would result in an unmasked activation of projecting neurons of BLA, generating robust emotional reactions , such as excessive fear and anxiety which have been consistently reported in animals subjected to a variety of stressful stimuli.