Congresos y reuniones científicas
Spectral Energy Distributions of Taurus Class I Objects
Pucon, Chile
Congreso; XI IAU Regional Latin American Meeting of Astronomy; 2005
Institución organizadora:
In this contribution we present the analysis of the SEDs corresponding to three of the Taurus protostars (IRAS 04248+2612, IRAS 04295+2251 and IRAS 04365+2535). We compile from the literature the Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) of these embedded Class I objects. We use the radiative transfer code of Whitney et al. (2003) to model the SEDs. This code computes models for combinations of several physical and geometrical parameters such as: the accretion rate (M_dot) and the centrifugal radius (R_c), in the first case, and the inclination angle (i) and cavity opening angle (theta), in the second. In our analysis we varied these parameters and fixed other parameters of the star + disk/envelope system. In this manner, we constructed a grid of models that were used to choose an initial set of parameters for each of the analyzed protostars. We then refined this initial solution by constructing a new grid around this set of values. We proceeded in this way until we obtained a synthetic SED that reproduced the observed data. In General our initial results for the three objects presented in this contribution agree the ones obtained by other authors. Our goal is to refine these initial solutions to achieve a better fit to the observed data and to perform a similar analysis for the rest of the Taurus Class I sources (12 in total). The results for the complete set of Taurus protostars should allow us to begin to investigate statistical tendencies among physical and geometric parameters and better characterize the properties of these extremely young objects.