Congresos y reuniones científicas
Functional stress markers in archaeological populations from southern Sierras Pampeanas (Córdoba province, Argentina) during late Holocene.
Congreso; III Paleopathology Association Meeting in South America; 2009
In this study functional stress markers associated to osteoarthritis (osteophytes, porosity, eburnation) are analyzed, in order to infer patterns related to habitual activities developed by individuals who inhabited different environments in the southern region of Sierras Pampeanas, during late Holocene. Also the degree and extension of these markers are considered. The sample is composed by 32 young and middle adult individuals (18 males and 14 females) from 23 archaeological sites. Based on eight radiocarbon dates and archaeological data, these sites are chronologically associated to late Holocene. Functional stress markers were registered by coding type of lesion, degree of development and extension, and by identifying their presence in different anatomical parts. Chi-square technique was then applied in order to test the possible existence of significant differences concerning sex, age, and chronology of individuals. Results would be indicating that a) neoformations, Schmorl nodes and porosity?s degree and extension are similar in vertebral columns of both sexes, b) in the appendicular skeleton osteophytes are less frequent than in the column, with a low predominance among female individuals, c) porosity and eburnation almost exclusively affect upper limbs in both sexes, in a barely discernible degree. In consecuence, it can be said that habitual activities generally involve a moderate stress level, especially in the vertebral column, may be related to weight loading. And, even though task division cannot be assured, there are sex differences, for instance in the greater use of upper limbs among females.