Congresos y reuniones científicas
The pedagogical potential of producing audiovisual remixes of classical children's tales for the enhancement of dictation and phonemic transcription at university and tertiary institutions
Mar del Plata
Congreso; I Jornadas Nacionales del Profesorado de Inglés; 2016
Institución organizadora:
Facultad de Humanidades / UNMdP
With the advance of globalisation and with today?s ease of access to technology, it has becomenecessary to adapt teaching practices to cater for and suit an ever-changing society. Theavailability of resources for the emerging different knowledge areas has allowed languageteachers to become more able to see to their students? needs and demands. In turn, learners canalso have the opportunity to bring aspects of their everyday life into the educational process,making learning more significant and more meaningful, as they see the practical application ofwhat they are taught.This article aims at exploring the benefits of using Open Educational Resources (OERs)in the language classroom to foster pronunciation skills. More specifically, we will focus onthe profitable use of modern though easily accessible technologies and the implementation ofpossibilities of adaptation of stories, such as remix, mashup and elements from fanfic writing,to develop creative strategies applied to the practice of phonemic transcription throughdictation. This analysis will be carried out from our perspective as teachers of tertiary anduniversity-level pronunciation courses.