Congresos y reuniones científicas
Developing Lexical Awareness along the Path Towards Argumentative Writing Online
Congreso; III Jornadas Nacionales del Profesorado de Ingles; 2022
As an inherent aspect in foreign language acquisition, especially when it comes to the development of the four macro-skills, instruction seeks to both foster the development of lexical sophistication and encourage a smooth transitioning along increasingly complex genres. In the teaching and translation majors at Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, one such transition is sought with a focus on opinion essay writing, with the aim of setting relevant foundations for a logical and meaningful progression towards argumentative writing. Apart from mastering each set of distinctive generic features, one of the most difficult tasks for students is to effectively incorporate specific vocabulary of increasing complexity into their writing. In this paper we will share our experience in an online synchronous workshop which emerged as an offshoot of a research project entitled ?Google Drive como ambiente propicio para el desarrollo de la conciencia léxica y la escritura individual y colaborativa de ensayos a un nivel alto-intermedio y avanzado en las carreras de grado de inglés.? In this workshop, participants learned how to provide peer feedback via the implementation of feedback instruments, with a marked focus on lexical awareness, and how to work collaboratively on the development of editing strategies towards improved essay writing.