Congresos y reuniones científicas
Effective feedback in the ESL writing Class. Applying a Genre Approach to Process Writing
Conferencia; Conference Proceedings. Second ACPI Annual Conference; 2008
One of the questions that arise in many L2 writing classes is wheter feedback techniques are effective in improving students? writing proficiency.  These techniques will vary according to the different approaches teachers may adopt when teaching writing. This paper will examine various feedback and assessing techniques associated with two approaches to teaching writing ?namely the process and the genre approach. Once the basic tenets of each approach are explored, the advantages and disadvantages in relation to feedback and assessing techniques will be presented.  This proposal intends to show not only that these two apparently opposing approaches can be combined, but also that an integration of them can offer a variety of effective feedback and assessing techniques which in the long run will improve our students? writing proficiency, which is the ultimate aim of every kind of feedback.