Congresos y reuniones científicas
¿Aborto punible o no punible? Aproximaciones teóricas, casos y opiniones en Córdoba
Congreso; XVII Congreso Nacional y VII Latinoamericano de Sociología Jurídica; 2016
Institución organizadora:
Sociedad Argentina de Sociología Jurídica -SASJU-
The abortion brings the dispute between the right to life and the right to autonomy of women. The practice is illegal, it is a social fact penalized, women are punished and those who help them do it. In five Latin American countries it is totally prohibited, but in the remaining twelve, there are exceptions to realize it.In Argentina only two exceptions to the illegality of abortion are contemplated.they are the ones from the medical sciences and legal sciences: A social actors taking as students two key races degree in decision-making phenomenon under study analysis is proposed. The methodology will be through surveys to determine the positioning of young people today, future professionals of tomorrow. Participation was anonymous and voluntary.