Congresos y reuniones científicas
Dynamic Eff ects of Fiscal Shocks upon Diverse Macroeconomic Variables: A Structural VAR Analysis for Argentina
Santiago de Chile
Seminario; XVIII Seminario Regional de Poltica Fiscal, CEPAL; 2006
The paper studies the dynamic effects of fiscal policy shocks upon Argentine
macroeconomic variables such as the gross domestic product, the inflation rate and
the level of unemployment; a structural Vector Autoregression model is resorted to
in order to estimate the impulse response functions; the econometric analysis is
carried out for the period 1984-2005 (second quarter) and quarterly logarithmic
real variables are used for the VAR´s specification. Point estimation of impulse
response functions indicate both a relatively low statistical significance of fiscal
shocks upon macroeconomic variables and a short-lived impact of innovations while
at the same time cast doubts upon some traditionally accepted Keynesian
macroeconomic policy prescriptions.