Capítulos de libros
Córdoba, the Argentinian Silicon Valley? Common Narratives, Institutional Experiments, and Mutual Adjustments to Develop a Regional Innovation System Outside Buenos Aires
Peripheral Regions, Fragile Governance: Local Economic Development in/from Latin America
Lugar: New York; Año: 2019; p. 80 - 95
The ICT sector in Córdoba illustrates how local SME associations have successfully put pressure on the government to change its economic development policy from a focus on attracting foreign multinationals as the key force to develop the region to the promotion of a local economic development strategy that emphasizes territorial processes of learning, social capital, and institutional networks to strengthen the innovative capacity and growth potential of local companies. Córdoba is a good example of the opportunities and difficulties in articulating public and private actors around a local economic development approach in a new and emerging set of economic activities for the region. In Córdoba, this public-private articulation was not achieved through a single or paradigmatic organization. Instead, public-private collaboration in Córdoba?s ICT sector has taken place through considerable institutional experimentation and circulation of people between public and private organizations