Congresos y reuniones científicas
Using multilevel factor models to study regional development through the socio-economic and information and communications technology dimensions
Congreso; X Congreso Latinoamericano de Sociedades de Estadística; 2012
Institución organizadora:
Sociedad Argentina de Estadística

This work is based on the model defined by the Economic Commission

for Latin America and the Caribbean which shows that Communication and

Information Technologies (CITs) influence the human development directly

and indirectly, due to the impact they have on economic growth. The unit of

analysis is the municipal district, defined as a part of a larger political subdivision

called departments. The aim of this work is to explore the relationship

between the social, economic and technological dimensions or constructs, at

the municipal district and department levels, in the Province of Córdoba. To

do that, a confirmatory common framework (GLLAMMs, Skrondal & Rabe-

Hesketh, 2004) was performed. This approach allowed us to identify some

indicators that measure both constructs and help characterize the level of development

of our region. First, a confirmatory factor analysis was proposed

as a hypothetic procedure, to test the hypothesis about the relationship between

indicators and factor constructs. The successive modeling steps led

us to decide on significant indicators in the conformation of the constructs.

Results show that there are two constructs to describe the socioeconomic

and technological development at the district level. However, at the department

level, the correlation between the two latent variables was near one,

suggesting a new common factor model containing only one dimension at

this level.

Information Technologies (CITs) influence the human development directly

and indirectly, due to the impact they have on economic growth. The unit of

analysis is the municipal district, defined as a part of a larger political subdivision

called departments. The aim of this work is to explore the relationship

between the social, economic and technological dimensions or constructs, at

the municipal district and department levels, in the Province of Córdoba. To

do that, a confirmatory common framework (GLLAMMs, Skrondal & Rabe-

Hesketh, 2004) was performed. This approach allowed us to identify some

indicators that measure both constructs and help characterize the level of development

of our region. First, a confirmatory factor analysis was proposed

as a hypothetic procedure, to test the hypothesis about the relationship between

indicators and factor constructs. The successive modeling steps led

us to decide on significant indicators in the conformation of the constructs.

Results show that there are two constructs to describe the socioeconomic

and technological development at the district level. However, at the department

level, the correlation between the two latent variables was near one,

suggesting a new common factor model containing only one dimension at

this level.