Congresos y reuniones científicas
Conferencia Plenaria
Congreso; Conf. del XVI Congreso Latinoamericano de Fisiología Vegetal y XXXII Reunión Argentina de Fisiología Vegetal; 2018
Institución organizadora:
Sociedad Argentina de Fisiología Vegetal
Plants make use of preformed and inducible defenses to counteract the attack of microbial pathogens. Lacking specialized immune cells and somatic adaptive immunity, they rely on cell-autonomous innate immune responses to protect themselves against infections. Plant immune receptors play central roles in this process since they are responsible for pathogen detection and activation of downstream defense cascades. This includes the plasma-membrane embedded Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRR) that recognize microbe-associated molecular patterns, and the intracellular Nucleotide binding Leucine-rich Repeat proteins (NLR) that detect pathogen-derived effector. PRR and NLR are subject to tight control and their hyper-activation have growth or fitness costs. However, the mechanisms underlying the transcriptional control of these receptors are mostly unknown. The stimulation of these receptors triggers an oxidative stress by synthesis and accumulation of reactive oxygen species in the apoplast. The plasma membrane NADPH oxidase is involved in this response and its coupling with intracellular routes affecting the redox metabolism has recently begun to be studied. I will present the contributions of our group in two issues: a) transcriptional control of PRR/NLR genes by changes in epigenetic marks of transposable elements; b) coupling of NADPH oxidase with mitochondrial proline metabolism enzymes.