Capítulos de libros
Interculturalism and the teaching of ethnic literature
Conocimiento y diversidad en el estudio y la enseñanza de las lenguas extranjeras.
Universidad nacional del Comahue
Lugar: Neuquén; Año: 2023; p. 10 - 18
The changes that have taken place at world level, massive international migration and increased globalization, make it necessary to think about new identity politics all over the world. Almost all countries of the world have become a mixture of different cultures that cannot be defined and simply explained by geography and/or nationality. There are many more cross cultural and multi-faceted inter relationships that arise within and between communities on an everyday basis. Different groups belonging to different cultures co-exist within the same territory and struggle to integrate themselves in the new country without renouncing to their customs, beliefs and culture. It is in this panorama that concepts such as multiculturalism and interculturalism have established themselves at center stage. Has multiculturalism failed? Is interculturalism the future? In this context, the teaching of ethnic literature can help foster cultural awareness and understanding, increase tolerance towards other lifestyles and enhance cultural competences