Capítulos de libros
Ranking of performance through a non parametric model. Case of justice in Argentina
Multimetodologías para el análisis y mejora de sistemas sociales y tecnológicos. Hacia el desarrollo sustentable
Asociación Cooperador FCE UNC
Lugar: Córdoba; Año: 2016; p. 45 - 57
In this paper we use a non parametric model to evaluate the performance of the justice in the provincial jurisdictions of Argentina. In order to obtain a ranking of the analyzed units, we apply the model DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) proposed by Anderson and Petersen (1993). We consider as analysis dimensions: the labor considered through the number of judges, judicial officials and employees; the rate of resolution of admitted cases -as a direct measure of performance-, and the population of each jurisdiction -as an indirect indicator of the potential demand for the services of justice-. An efficiency ranking was obtained from the results DEA. The information offered to the linear models through the slacks and dual variables allowed us to identify units that present the best practices (benchmarking), define the goals that the provinces with a low performance should aim to achieve in order to improve its performance.