Congresos y reuniones científicas
Concepción de un proyecto de comercio electrónico
San Pablo
Conferencia; 4th International Conference on Inofrmation Systems and Technology Management; 2007
Institución organizadora:
Universidad de Sao Paulo
Considering the innumerable complexities and uncertainties that present themselves in the world of business on the Internet, the launching of a new commercial project on the web ("pure player,") is an interesting challenge. Key questions arise: How do I make a website visible to (i.e., attract the attention of) the public within a world of several trillions of websites? How do I gain the confidence of the public? Why would someone want to buy into my company? What makes the package attractive? What factors will make it profitable? Although information technology, in particular the Internet, makes possible a priori that a company projects at a world-wide level, there are numerous factors that can determine and/or limit their reach. Cultural characteristics - sex, age, socio-political and economic conditions - are factors that make certain markets and clients more propitious for a determined project. It is essential to know exactly what it is you want to obtain and to be able to make a concrete definition of these goals, which can be quite varied: from reduce costs of transaction processing, to explore new markets, to obtain customer data, to offer on-line services, to expose a product catalogue, to take orders and/or to sell on-line, etc. You should develop a concrete plan that follows through and completes; as much for the communication of the project team, as for presenting the project to third-party interests or other possible sources of financing. The work presented exposes the main lines of the e-businesses plan of Acessoiriste, a pure player B2C (business to consumer) commercial project at the European level. It describes the methods applied in the creation of the business, the defining of the market position of the company and the competition strategies.