The basics of English pronunciation: ciclo de nivelación
Facultad de Lenguas
Lugar: Córdoba; Año: 2019 p. 49
This material has been designed for the pronunciation lessons given at theIntroductory Course of the English programs at the School of Languages. Itspurpose is to help students develop the basic skills and knowledge they needin order to be successful first-year students. Thus, the book will provide thebeginner with brief theory and explanations, practice exercises, and a handyreference when it comes to reviewing basic information about phonemes, aswell as examples of words where phonemes appear.We must also clarify that, although theoretical explanations are providedin this book, they are here simply to help students understand the basicsof pronunciation and to serve as reference for more advanced courses.However, they are not the essence or main purpose of this book, which is ofa more practical nature.The course aims at developing your perception, recognition, and controlledproduction skills. You are also expected to learn the phonemic symbols thatrepresent the English sounds. It is with these objectives in mind that thisbook offers different types of challenging exercises that provide training,variety and, hopefully, even fun.