Tracks to Commercial Translation II: Introduction to Finance
Impresiones FL
Lugar: Córdoba; Año: 2018 p. 63
The purpose of this coursebook is to guide the students in the Commercial Translation Course in the acquisition and development of their translation competence. Following a functionalist approach to translation training, the texts and activities in this coursebook are intended to engage undergraduate translation trainees in an integrated and meaningful practice of the main stages in the translation process, with a focus on the fields of accounting and finance. To this end, a variety of tasks have been designed to help students develop a strategic, linguistic and extralinguistic knowledge base on these specialized fields. Students are also challenged to engage in a meaningful interaction with their teacher and their peers, and to carry out research through one of today's most commonly used means of information and communication: The Internet. Above all, we believe the activities and strategies proposed in this coursebook will help promote the learners' autonomy and continuous involvement in the translation process, since it is within each learner where learning begins and where it will continue throughout all their lives. This coursebook is organized into two modules. Module 1 presents some theoretical considerations about the translation competence and the techniques suitable for the translation of financial statements. It also reflects on the significant role of accounting terminology as part of the translation work. As stated, the focus of this module is on the translation practice of financial statements and auditors' reports. Module 2 deals with specialized knowledge and terminology in the field of finance and the stock market. It includes translation assignments related to investment instruments, mutual funds and retirement plans. A self-assessment sheet is provided to encourage learnersꞌ reflection and autonomy. Special emphasis is given to the editing phase of translation.