Capítulos de libros
Computer and Internet mediated narrative construction in ESL
Roots and Routes in Language Education: Bi-multi-plurilingualism, interculturality and identity Selected papers from the 38th FAAPI Conference
University of Warwick
Lugar: Warwick; Año: 2013; p. 248 - 261
El presente trabajo fue seleccionado para su publicación en el portal de archivos de investigación de Warwick, de la Universidad de Warwick. Este portal está diseñado y disponible para el libre acceso por parte de investigadores. Personal construct psychology (Vigotsky, 1979) provides possible alternative ways of looking at situations which may lead to construction of knowledge. According to Bruner (1972), cognitive approaches emphasize the importance of what students bring to any situation as active meaning-makers and problem-solvers. The development of conceptual understanding of cognitive skills and strategies is central to education. The old and the new be brought together in educational settings to create a collaborative learning project by integrating narrative (case development, Litwin et al, 2004) and technology. Narrative is the basis of human knowledge, and probably the oldest genre. In Litwin et al?s (2004) words:´La didáctica recupera hoy el valor de las narraciones como forma de conocer y también de comunicar la experiencia, ofreciendo nuevos marcos interpretativos para la inclusión de diferentes estrategias en las propuestas educativas´. The use of technological innovations can enhance learning in different ways. It is not our intention to discuss the advantages of the use of technology in the classroom, nor to discuss virtual settings. Case development was the spine and the excuse that fostered activities that involved the use of computer and internet mediated resources in order to develop the language syllabus. Our aim is to share the result of a project carried out by Language I teachers at Facultad de Lenguas, UNC.