Effect of gangliosides in the autoimmune response induced by liposome-associated antigens.
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Antigen-induced inhibition of autoimmune response to rat male accessory glands: distinct characteristics of I-A- and I-E-positive peritoneal cells
Lugar: Weinheim; Año: 1991 vol. 21 p. 1141 - 1146
Antigen induced inhibition of autoimmune response to rat male accessory glands: role of thymocytes on the efferent phase of the suppression.
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Maternal-fetal interactions on the regulation of the autoimmune response
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Specific neonatally-induced tolerance to rat male accessory glands antigens. Transference of specific suppression by spleen mononuclear cells.
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Regulation of the autoimmune response against antigens of male accessory glands of rats
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Adoptive transfer of suppression of the autoimmune response to rat male accessory glands: characterization of the suppressor cells.
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