Capítulos de libros
Effective feedback in the ESL writing Class. Applying a Genre Approach to Process Writing
Conference Proceedings. Second ACPI Annual Conference
Asociación Cordobesa de Profesores de Inglés
Lugar: Córdoba Capital ; Año: 2008; p. 1 - 8
There is no doubt among English teachers that in any L2 classroom the ultimate aim of every
kind of feedback is the improvement of students? L2 competence. This is evidently the case of
feedback in a writing class. One of the questions that arise in many L2 writing classes is whether
feedback techniques are effective in improving students? writing proficiency. These techniques may
vary according to the different approaches teachers choose to adopt when teaching writing. This
paper is aimed at promoting reflection upon two different approaches to teaching writing- namely the
Process Approach and the Genre Approach. There will be a special focus on the contributions and
advantages offered by each of them. This proposal intends to show that these two apparently
?opposing? approaches can be combined. Furthermore, an integration of them may not only offer a
variety of effective feedback techiques (drawn from process writing) but also provide real context for
audience and purpose (taken from genre approaches).