Congresos y reuniones científicas
THE ART OF THE CONFINES. The ephemeral and the floating in Gonzalo Kenny's plastic translation
Congreso; V Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Brasileña de Estudios de Traducción; 2017
Institución organizadora:
Asociación Brasileña de Estudios Semióticos
Peeter Torop coins the term ?total translation? to explain that whenever information moves, ?translation? takes place to some extent. Since there is movement of information in all gadgets, translation becomes a dominating and ?total? phenomenon, including cases in which meaning production changes as regards where and how it occurs. The purpose of this communication is to point out that the literary universe of Liliana Bodoc?s The Saga of The Confines undergoes a process of ?plastic translation? in Gonzalo Kenny?s blog The Art of The Confines. Whereas Bodoc?s work elaborates on oraliture techniques, especially in the accumulation and repetition of referents, Kenny?s blog shows a ?possible world? where referents are parceled and built in ensembles, thus enabling us to reconstruct The Confines in a ?metametonymic? way. The results show, on the one hand, that Bodoc links referents both inside her chapters and outside them, i.e. among chapters; on the other, Kenny?s blog produces an interplay of ephemeral and floating effects. Such effects are materialized across the space of the virtual environment and also in the artist?s decisions on what to leave in and what to cut out concerning the author?s poetics. It can be concluded that Kenny?s blog contains a dialectics of ?confidence? and ?suspicion? about a translation task which relies on parceling and building in ensembles.