Capítulos de libros
Pharmaceutical Crystals: Development, Optimization, Characterization and Biopharmaceutical Aspects
Crystal Growth - Technologies and Applications
Lugar: London; Año: 2022; p. 1 - 19
Innovative technological systems to optimize the delivery and therapeutic activity of antimicrobial drugs
Advances and Avenues in the Development of Novel Carriers for Bioactives and Biological Agents
Año: 2020; p. 105 - 139
Technological delivery systems to improve biopharmaceutical properties
Nanoscale fabrication, optimization, scale-up and biological aspects of pharmaceutical nanotechnology
Año: 2018; p. 253 - 299
Capítulo 7: Validación de métodos bioanalíticos
Metodologias Biofarmaceuticas en Desarrollo de Medicamentos
Año: 2015; p. 1 - 566