Capítulos de libros
Student-teacher's beliefs and emotions about an EFL teaching practicum: A proposal to support their development processes
Professional Development through Teacher Research: Stories from Language Teacher Educators
Multilingual Matters
Lugar: Bristol; Año: 2022; p. 72 - 88
The practicum is a core component of Teacher Education. The existing literature has indicated student-teachers experience multiple emotions and hold diverse beliefs throughout the practicum. However, few studies have reported on specific actions to support student-teachers? emotions and belief processes, which instigated three novice teachers, four former student-teachers and a teacher educator to research them. This chapter seeks to examine to what extent both a pre-practicum workshop and peer-tutoring help teachers-to-be reflect on and address their emotions and beliefs about different aspects of teaching practice. The results indicate the different interventions were evaluated in a positive light by all the participants since they were contingent and catered for the dynamic situated and social nature of emotions and beliefs. Some evidence of student-teachers? beliefs and degrees of awareness-raising was obtained, but beliefs were not fully accounted for due to methodological limitations. Pedagogical implications for Teacher Education are discussed.