Congresos y reuniones científicas
Learner training in vocabulary learning strategies in elementary EFL coursebooks: Yet another Cinderella.
Santiago del Estero
Conferencia; 39th FAAPI Conference; 2014
Institución organizadora:
Promoting learner autonomy and maximizing learner opportunities are some of the tenets of postmethod pedagogy (Kumaravadivelu, 2006). Textbooks should help learners achieve these goals by offering activities that enable them to increase their learning opportunities both in and out of class. In the case of lexical competence, equipping learners with specific strategies to help them increase and consolidate their vocabulary should be a feature of EFL coursebooks even at elementary level. Nevertheless, the presence of learner training in vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) is quite scarce in coursebooks of this level. This state of affairs was revealed through the analysis of eight EFL coursebooks. Language strategies are courses of action or tools consciously adopted by learners to successfully improve their learning process of a language. They frequently ?enable students to enhance their own learning? (Oxford, 1990:1) thus reinforcing their self-confidence. The aim of this paper is to analyze how EFL textbooks which are currently employed for elementary level General English courses in Córdoba contribute to the development of VLS. We seek to find answers to the following questions: What kinds of instructional practices do the coursebooks deploy for the development of VLS? What are the most recurrent types of activities offered for that purpose? Answers to these questions will be sought in eight coursebooks for beginners, some of which are intended for adolescent or adult learners, and some are internationally or locally produced First, relevant research will be reviewed to find out the extent of previous analyses related to the presence of VLS in EFL coursebooks and the concepts of learner training and VLS will be defined. Subsequently, we will present the findings of an analysis revealing the presence or absence of VLS in the sample analysed, and the amount and kinds of VLS found. A classification scheme of learner training in VLS will be drawn from the activities found. Finally, results will be discussed by comparison with other similar research and recommendations will be made for materials writers and teachers supplementing their coursebooks.